My story + 5 Keys to your desires

Heya my loves, in this blog I’ll cover my background story as to why I am so invested in this belief of the law of attraction, and why young people should be jumping on the trend now! I’ll also touch on the five keys to your desires: gratitude, love, visualization, mindset, and emotion.


I was fortunate enough to grow up in an environment where manifestation was an important topic with my mum, she would watch motivational movies like ‘The Secret’ with me whilst practising gratitude every day, pretty much from when I could talk and comprehend my words. I watched the law of attraction play out in so many real-life scenarios, I thought this was a mind-blowing concept growing up and was always aware of it. My mum would be so passionate about this truth that when she would try to teach it to her friends, some of them would laugh at her, thinking that she was some crazy woo-woo lady, but it’s coming to light in society that she really did know what she was talking about! My parents always told me growing up that ‘You can do whatever you put your mind to,’ and I am so grateful to have had that mindset embedded in me as a child.

So, this has been a little head start for me, but with this knowledge, I can help to teach young people who have SO much potential to use the law of attraction and achieve great things. Don’t get me wrong, it is never too late to change your life, at any age but if I can imbed this in younger generations imagine how much healthier teens will be, and the success rate that people will reach at young ages, just by taking these practices and living by them. It will shape the future for greatness.

One of my core beliefs is that life is meant to be abundant. Life is meant to be fulfilling and wonderful, the desires that you feel inside have been set on your heart for a reason. It’s up to you to put in the work and step into your highest self. Your power lies within.


The first and main practice that I have embodied through this magical journey is gratitude. Showing appreciation for everything you have in your life; I believe is the most powerful force to making your desires your reality. When you can feel the gratitude in your heart and soul, you are shifting the timeline of your life. When you are feeling grateful, it is one of the highest vibrations that you can tap into because it creates an abundance mentality. Think of it as putting on a pair of glasses, looking through the ‘gratitude lenses’ viewing your life terms in all that you have, not all that you lack.

Practising gratitude elevates your life in ways that other feelings cannot. It ceases the desperation and frustration in those moments when it’s hard to tap into feelings like joy, you can meet your situation halfway with gratitude. For example. “I’m feeling frustrated by this experience, but I know that I still have so much in life to be grateful for,” making it easier in that very moment to raise your vibration.


That leads me to the power of love, in equal vibration of gratitude, (other powerful positive vibrations include joy, empowerment and freedom.) Love yourself, fall deeply in love with who you are, how you look, your body, your smile, and embrace it all. Once you do, your perspective on life will change forever. Love yourself so much that it projects onto everyone you touch, because what you give, is what you receive. Use the law of attraction in romance and personal relationships, if you want more love in your life, you must give more love. Take a moment to think about your mindset around your relationships, and ask yourself how you’re treating the people involved? Even the people you aren’t so fond of, may be affecting your life in some way, are you speaking and thinking of them with love and light, or negativity? If you don’t have anything nice to say… or think, don’t say it at all, or change your thought. Instead, in that moment, forgive yourself for having those feelings then think of a compliment about that person. Instantly uplifting the vibrations in your life, it’s that easy!

You can shift your personal relationships by applying positive forces like forgiveness. If someone is negatively affecting you and your life, you must start with forgiving them, and yourself for letting you feel that way, stuck in a low-vibe mindset. Thank them for the lesson they taught you, then send them love and healing, because chances are if someone is making your life miserable, it’s a reflection of where they are within themselves and their own life. Sending your ‘haters’ love and light will only project love and light into your own life. When you start focusing on your mentality and shifting your perspective to be positive, you will discover feeling free within yourself, and not worrying about what others think of you, because being true to yourself means nobody can tell you who or what you are, you already know and love yourself immensely.


“What you think, you create. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you become.”

- anonymous.


Everything human-made that you see in the Universe was first an image in one’s mind. It is impossible to create something that has not been visualized. Tapping into your imagination and playing with the concept of your dream life can be exciting whilst simulating future experiences in your mind greatly increases the chance of those images manifesting. The brain cannot tell the difference between real and imaginary experiences. This process happens so naturally that you usually aren’t aware of it. Using visualization can increase your motivation and belief in your ability to achieve a goal. There are different types of practices and visualization techniques that you can play with, like meditations, or vision boards, so find what feels good and works for you and practice it regularly. An important concept to enhance visualization work is emotional intensity, when you feel emotion deeply through your thoughts, it creates a level of belief associated with them. The more detail that goes into the images in your mind, the more real it will feel. I have created vision boards since I was a child, updating them every year when I feel shifts in my life, or with new goals. It’s quite amazing and surreal to look back and some of the things and pictures that I have placed on my vision boards, are in my life today! I have noticed that what I manifested are the things that are truly in alignment with my soul. (I’m planning to make a YouTube video showing my vision board and what I have bought into existence using it.)


Living in an abundant mindset can take work if you aren’t already there, but when one does, life will transform in beautiful ways. If you catch yourself in a negative thought, you have the power to change it in that moment. One positive thought is 100 times more powerful than a negative one, a piece of knowledge that has helped me through this self-development journey to rewire my thinking. You must learn to believe that what you want is your current reality. ‘I am abundant,’ ‘I am deserving,’ ‘I am loved,’ these affirmations are stating facts and is telling the Universe that is what you are. You are claiming it. This is why affirmations are so powerful to include in one’s daily routine. Another way to maintain a positive mindset is to create healthy habits to stay consistent with your goals. (I’ll go deeper on the importance of habits in a separate blog.) To grow closer to your dream life it is important to start living in the mindset of your dream self. Show up as that person, dress the way they would dress, follow routines and healthy habits that resonate with that person’s life, and literally become that person! You will notice things change, your mood will be increased and your life will raise the frequency of your energy to put you on the same vibrations as your dream self. So, what are you really waiting for, start playing with your life and create everything you’ve ever wanted!


This finally leads me to emotion, you cannot attract positive things into your life if you do not feel good within yourself. When you think of something that makes you feel good it is impossible in that moment to feel bad at the same time, so, that will only attract more of what makes you feel good, remember like attracts like. You have to feel that you are enough and that you deserve exactly what you want. Often, when people talk about success, it’s unfortunately from the types of mindsets built from society, or how people have been raised, hearing, ‘When I have x amount of money, I’ll be happy.’ ‘When I get this job, I’ll be happy.’ Do you notice the pattern? Sadly, it is normal for people to live like this! This is where I come in with a bit of tough love to tell you that you’ll probably never be truly happy, until you are happy within yourself in the present moment. The destination/goal brings temporary satisfaction, a dopamine fix, but the journey and experiences one encounters along the way shape one into who they need to be for future experiences. When you think of the desires put on your heart, ask yourself why? Why do you want that job? Why do you want that lifestyle? Why do you want to be that person? Now think in the mindset as if it’s already been done, you’ve made it. How does it make you feel? What emotions start stirring up, do you feel excited, scared, grateful, relieved, or joyful? Sit in those feelings incorporating visualisation and emotion and watch your desires come to life... Something to think about and play with.

Remember, no dream is too big. These desires are put in your heart for a reason. Make it your reality.

 Weekly Recommendations

Vision Board – Start playing with visualization and creating your vision board. As a guide, think of what you want your life to look like in 5 years from now.

Louise Hay Meditations – My mother played this for me as a child to help me fall into a deep sleep, Louise Hay is a pioneer in self-development and helps me fall into a relaxed state before sleep. Or you can listen to any night/sleep meditations, whatever feels good to you. X

Thank you!


Becoming your own bestie part 1


The Truth of Life