How I’m Making 2025 the Best Year Yet

So, for this episode, I am sharing my 2025 ins and outs to hopefully inspire you as some may resonate. I’m love this trend even though it was around last year I think it is a good tool to take a look at what you do want and don’t want for your year. Energetically the new year starts on March 20th this year. This is the perfect time to re-evaluate and get rid of any negative energy or connections that you are still holding onto from 2024, any old habits that you want to squash, to make a start on the routines and embody your desired self. So let's get straight into it.

Ins for 2025:

1.      Meditation – I have been pretty consistent with my mediations from the end of last year and I mix it up with visualisations and sitting in the feeling of graititute, but I want to get more into breathwork. I personally like starting my morning with mediation as there is so many benefits but a few nights a week I will go to sleep to a gratitude meditation to maintain a high vibration for the following morning.


2.     Working with crystals – I have always collected crystals but never really used them other than recharging them under the full moon. I am eager to start working with the energies of crystals more through mediation and journalling. I still have to do some research on how I can use and work with different crystals but I’m quite excited about that. I do use Citrine in the mornings when I meditate about my financial goals, as this crystal works with the energy of money and abundance 



3.      Luxurious dinners – this can be with friends and romantic dates, even with just myself. I’m setting my standards high and elevating my life so I will be doing such things to embody this uplevel. To me this is luxurious dinners, getting dressed up, feeling good and eating quality food. Because really in my eyes, there is nothing better than good food and good company, which can include yourself. 


4.     Friend sleepovers – 20’s are for funnn and sleepovers are in! girls sleepovers with your besties where you eat snacks, make nice dinners, drink wine and manifest in cute pjs… like come on is that not a vibe, and why did we stop sleepovers?! It is so important to keep that close relationship with your girlfriends even if we are getting older, that inner child in us will thank you for it.. doing some cute activities like painting candles, deep talks about future goals, funny movies and all that good stuff, I am so here for it.



5.     Celery & Lemon juice – on an empty stomach in the morning, before your breakfast because it has so many benefits and it actually tastes nice, with a little lemon kick. It improves gut health, clears your skin, reduces inflammation by restoring hydrochloric acid and helps us to digest things faster throughout the day, especially protein.


6.      Authentic connections – they are SO in for 2025, literally nothing less and I am standing on that. They say you are the fifth person of the 4 people you surround yourself with most, so I am determined to surround myself with people who are in positions that I aspire to be in, networking and making friends with people who are into self-development and believe that anything that you put your mind to is possible. I want connections that make me feel good, and safe where I can really be myself, my true authentic self. By the way, DM me if you do resonate with my work. I’d love to connect with like minded people, or even have you on the poddy for a chat because we all have a unique voice and I’m sure my audience would love to hear you guys! 


7.     Experimenting in dating – so this is where it gets spicy, I have decided that my 20’s are for absolute fun!! and I’m not expecting to get tied down, although we never know what the future holds. I am going to be exploring, going dates with different people if the opportunity arises and just having some exciting experiences where I can radiate my confidence by stepping into my feminine energy and not getting attached to any outcomes. In saying that I do expect princess treatment and I am going to be picky because I am keeping my standards high with who I let have access to my time and energy.



8.     Opening to receive money – and I mean more than I have ever had before and being comfortable talking about it. 2025 is the year where money is looked at positively and is there to support our happiness, I have surrendered to the how’s to the few goals and projects I have in the works and letting the Universe take its course and having full faith and trust in the process. I also learning and investing, there is literally unlimited money in the universe. You just have to be open to the opportunities to receive! I am going to do a whole episode on the energetics of money in the coming weeks where we will dive deeper. It is probably one of my favourite topics to talk about.


9.     Travelling is in! I want to experience so many different place and foods, but Bali is definitely on the list as I still haven’t been there. I’m also planning a few little getaways around Australia or even just South Australia, to get the feel of travelling and embodying the lifestyle I aspire to have in coming years. I am planning a 6 week trip go to Europe with my best friend Bree so I’m SO excited about this. We have agreed on a minimum limit we have to save before we go so if you do have any recommendations on places to go and stay, please message me on instagram or through the community Facebook page!


10.  Beach walks are a must, even in the winter. I will never be taking the beach for granted again back in my hometown, especially only living two minutes away. I love to get my glam juice and a hot girl beach walk, if you’re from Adelaide you know.


11.  Rain Runs I’m so excited for this as I’m still yet to do this. I haven’t really ran properly in a long time so I though to do rain runs at least once a week in winter, I just feel like it will be so liberating.



1.      Toxic people and relationships - I will block and delete so fast but with grace this year if I feel the connection isn’t for my higher good. Whether this is a friend, family or romantic connection. They are gone in 2025, you can always love someone from a distance and that’s a big one for me this year.

2.      Yelling and arguing back, this one is a little personal to me, even though it is once in a blue moon that this happens, since moving back to my hometown I am keeping myself in check and standing on this. I’m not wasting my energy on anything that isn’t worth it.

3.      Playing small to fit in – this is a big one, again especially since moving back to my hometown from being away from everyone. I feel like I’m surrounded by a lot of small minded people, or better said people that don’t believe in themselves. So sometimes to fit in I felt like I would have to relate with them in some way and that would mean for me to disregard all the inner work I did in Melbourne so I am honouring my self-worth and hopefully inspiring the people around me to do the same, and go for the life they really want.


4.      Fear of being judged – especially on social media. This is a personal one but im sure many can relate, starting my personal brand and promoting my poddy through social media means I have to be confident and authentic without looking back. I’ve learnt to master the mindset of who gives a F what other people think, you will never get anywhere in life if you are so worried about what other people think… especially people who don’t inspire you so fear of being judged is OUTT this year!


5.      Missing out on experiences to save money because you know what, I’m in my 20’s and I’m here for a good time. I have goals and yes, I want to buy a house and I invest my money but I’m not going to be so serious about responsibilities that I won’t enjoy the time I have right now to live. If something feels good to me, going to an event or a holiday I will do it this year, usually it’s the mm yeahh I wish I could but I’ve got to save for this thing… NONE of that this year, I simply decide that I get to have it all. I wont do things because other people want me to, or I feel obligated but if something genuinely feels good to me and will light my soul up, why miss out? The money always comes back



6.      Scrolling is a biggg one for me this year, mindless scrolling is out. This has been a challenge for me the last 6 months, although I am always reading something and learning, I do catch myself looking at celebrity drama and just things that honestly are a waste of time. I want to be really conscious of how I spend my time and what I consume through media.


7.      Negative self-talk has always been out for me, but its always nice to have to reminder, and maybe some of you need to hear this. No more talking bad about ourselves!!! Fill yourself with love and “I can” statements. Believe that you can do anything, or that you are worthy of what you want, and you will get those things. Just consisting with my inner work that I started last year, a lot of mirror work and affirmations.



8.      People pleasing and unfortunately this is the first year it’s actually about putting myself first, but better late than never, right? So, no more people pleasing and doing things because I feel obligated or anything that doesn’t feel good to me, I simply wont do. Even it if does cost a friendship pr relationship this year is about putting my needs and my joy and goals first. And I hope you are doing the same.


9.      Financial Anxiety is out the window with the rest of the junk from 2023 & 24. This year is about building a healthy relationship with money, loving money and trusting that it is always there for you to support your happiness. Most people are on a money journey, so this year I hope conversations around money feel more comfortable and happen often, and as a collective we can use money for good. I actually have a book recommendation and it’s an absolute game changer. “You are a badass a making money” by Jen Sincero. Highly highly recommend to anyone who is trying to change their subconscious beliefs around money to build wealth and be able to hold it.



10.  Lastly, kicking self-doubt when it comes to career to the curb because I know that I definitely suffer from imposter syndrome, and I work on it every day. I think this is similar to my number four which was the fear of being judged but also becoming aware of any limiting beliefs and working through them. Your biggest supporter is you, how can we expect anyone else to believe in our dreams if we don’t? So for me this is a reminder to keep consistent because anything that we put our minds to is possible and we deserve to live the lives that we truly desire, and make money by doing things we love. So, keep consistent on the inner work, and take up the opportunities that are around us, get comfortable with being uncomfortable. That’s the only way to grow and evolve. 


5 benefits of moving away from your hometown in your 20’s